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Adopt a School Project (ASP) is exactly what the name implies. We assume responsibility of a project that a school or community is unable to complete due to limited resources. Our first ASP involved the completion of a new for the Twayongha Community in Kom, North West Region of Cameroon. The residents of Twayongha came together in an attempt to build a school; to reduce the long commute children had to make to the only school in their community. However, due to limited resources, the project could not be completed. A community leader generously donated his 2-bedroom house, but with a pupil population size of over 150, space was limited. The study conditions were deplorable –In addition to the large crowd size, the lack of benches meant children had to sit on the floor to study. The community solicited our support, and we were able to respond; completing and fully equipping the 2-classroom school with 20 benches, boxes of chalk, drinking buckets and cups, and basic school supplies to facilitate learning. The building was officially handed over to the community in December 2016 in a gratuitous event, presided over by Divisional Delegate for Basic Education and in the presence of the mayor of the Njinikom Council, traditional elites and the entire village.